About Duurt Dijkman | MsportXtra
Duurt Dijkman, better known as #MsportXtra. He started following F1 from an early age but jumped into social media in 2012, when it was an upcoming thing in the sport. As Formula1extra, he established himself between fans and media, meaning he wasn’t accredited by the fia as media outlet, but had build many connections within the sport. This made him more than “just a fan” but he’s never shy of connecting with other fans worldwide.
In 2015, he started MsportXtra and since then, has build a network which involves other websites, designers, drivers and teams from different categories of motorsport. As MsportXtra, he is not only promoting his partners on a global scale, he also shares all the latest news, views and opinions from the fast world of motorsport.
You can follow him on Twitter, join his Facebook group or just bookmark his website www.msportxtra.com.